Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Great Jewelry Does Not Necessarily Mean High Price

Sometimes the simplest design can be a work of great art. I took a class with Charles Lewton Brain once and he talked about how any jeweler that can make a living full time at their craft is an amazing individual. This is the basis of the whole Indie movement in craft, affordable quality jewelry. This is not to say that all of the Indie work is great but as with any other profession greatness is bestowed upon a few. To find quality Indie jewelry in your area I suggest you contact the local "Craft Mafia" located in most major metropolitan area or visit sites like Etsy and Indie Public. There are over 10,000 stores so you will need to sharpen your search skills. Since this work is not juried you'll have to kiss a lot of frogs. But it is wonderful feeling when you find a gem!

Hand Textered Bracelet by Pat Baker $83

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